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Monday 19 March 2018


The best health benefits of leaf leaves

This fig tree is classified by the mulberry family. The health benefits of this hotel are available from the mineral, vitamins and high fiber in fruit. Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, potassium and chlorine produce high nutritional nutrients. Some health benefits that can be purchased from figs:

The health benefits of fruit fruit

Wellness benefits of dakon leaves

Benefits of Banana Leafs

Avoid constipation

Each fodder has 10 grams of rice figs using figs. Fiber-rich content improves healthy and normal bowel movement and avoids constipation. The concentration of the concentration activity frolic to increase the mass, so it avoids constipation, but eradicate bowel movements for diarrhea and discomfort.

Weight loss treatment

Figs are low in fiber and are recommended for cholesterol sometimes. In addition, their rich calorie intake is affected by weight gain, especially if you eat milk. Using some figs is good enough to get nutritional nutrition levels, so it does not consume too much.

Low cholesterol level

Figs are made of leaves, which are known as water dissolved fiber. This fiber-type metabolic system attempts to penetrate itself, while cleansing the fat from the fat and trying to take them to the discharge system which is removed from the body.

Coronary heart disease prevention

There is a dried figs in the bean, omega 3, and omega-6. These fatty acids reduce the chance of coronary heart attack. In addition, figs have a significant role in triglycerides levels in a popular system. Leaves the leaves on triglycerides and result in the total dose of triglycerides.

Collagen Cancer Prevention:

Fiber microorganisms and other cancers that can affect other cancers, especially in the colon, can be triggered because fiber improves the healthy function of the fibroid. Fill two figs leaves and whole leaf every day.

Post-menopausal breast cancer protection against

Hormonal balance in women occasionally becomes disturbed after menstruation and lung cancer are detected after lung cancer. The body's systems are very deeply synchronized, thus hormones can replace the immune system, which protects the effectiveness of oxidants against free radicals.

Diabetes is good for the patient

Diabetes Association has advised figs to become a rich fiber diet that can increase the risk of diabetes. Sometimes the insulin injection reduces insulin levels in the need for a diabetic patient.

Fertilizer leaves the excess coriander in the potassium, which attempts to control the amount of sugar.

Hypertension prevention

Sodium is typically consumed in the form of salt, but reduced blood pressure in reduced potassium and rich sodium levels. Figs are full of potassium and sodium levels, so they are safe and safe for the current and symptoms of hypertension, and relieve relief food, which calms the nervous system and provides some dizziness in your everyday life.

Pranaitis Treatment

The compounds in the foliage leaves become the perfect products of tea products. Microscopic tea has always been used to replace many respiratory diseases, such as microbial inflammation, and is used as a method to avoid and reduce the effects of asthma patients.

Strengthens the bones

Bones increase, bones increase and one of the most essential ingredients in reducing the risk of bone loss. It is high in phosphorus content, which stimulates bone formation and stimulation recovery.

Definition of maglar degeneration properties in figs

Visual loss at age elderly is usually due to the degeneration of the drug. Fruits and fig leaves are especially great for you to prevent this very normal effect of aging. Sleeps promote good sleep habits and protect the person against insomnia.


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